Participant Registry

Are you a person who stutters, or the parent of a child who stutters, and want to help further our collective understanding of stuttering? The Stuttering Lab at the University of Iowa invites you to join our growing registry of people who stutter from around the country. Joining the registry means that you will be informed of upcoming research studies housed at the University of Iowa for which you / your child are eligible to participate in.

Risks and Benefits – There are no known risks to being in this registry beyond loss of confidentiality of data. While you may not benefit personally, some people who stutter experience emotional benefit from giving back to the stuttering community by participating in stuttering research.

Cost and Compensation – Being in this registry does not cost you anything. You / your child will not be paid for being in the research registry. However, if you are eligible to participate in an upcoming study, participation in that study may involve payment to participants.

Voluntary – Taking part in this research registry is completely voluntary. If you join the registry and are invited to participate in a particular upcoming study, you are not obligated to participate. And if you join the registry today, you can stop participating any time by notifying us that you would like to be removed from the registry.

If you would like to add yourself or your child to the registry, please follow the link below to provide your consent, contact information, and answer a few intake questions: 

Currently Inviting Participants for the Following Projects


  • Recruiting 12-17 year-olds for a 30-minute online study about how stuttering effects social experiences. Activities include 1 brief, timed activity where participants create social sentences, followed by completion of 3-5 questionnaires. Participants who stutter and control participants who do not stutter are invited. $15 compensation. Watch video overview here: If you’re interested, please fill out this interest form:
  • Recruiting 12-19 year-olds for a 60-minute in-person eyetracking study about how stuttering affects social attention. Activities include 2 non-invasive computer activities while an eyetracker records eye movements, followed by completion of 4 questionnaires. Participants who stutter and control participants who do not stutter are invited. $25 compensation. Watch video overview here: If you’re interested, please fill out this interest form:


  • Recruiting adults who stutter AND adults who don’t stutter (18-80 years old) for a study about what happens in the brain during stuttering. Participation for adults who stutter involves two visits: a 30-minute Zoom visit to talk about stuttering experiences, and a follow-up 2-hour in-person at the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences where participants will read words aloud while their brain waves and heart rate are recorded. Adults who don’t stutter will only have the in-person visit. Compensation is provided at $20/hour. If you’re interested, please fill out this eligibility form:


  • Recruiting high school-based SLPs to complete a 15-min online survey about transition planning practices for high schoolers who stutter. $25 raffle compensation. Access survey here: